RE:如何回覆Job Offer、上司催進度等Email?最實用的10封英文回郵範本

RE:如何回覆Job Offer、上司催進度等Email?最實用的10封英文回郵範本
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 28 December, 2018

打工仔每天都會收到十封百封email,閣下日理萬機,自然好難去一一琢磨這些email如何回覆才夠得體。有見及此,我們為你提供以下十個常見的回郵範本(Reply email),節省你的心力。

情境1: 回覆未來僱主你將會接受聘約(Accept Offer)


  • 表達對聘約感到雀躍及期待﹔
  • 明確表明接受offer及表達感激之意﹔
  • 向對方表示願意提供跟進資料作聘約用途。 

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

I am very pleased to accept the position of Administrative Assistant with Jim & Co. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company.

As discussed in the interview, my earliest available date is 3 December 2018. I would be most grateful if you could confirm the commencement date of my employment. Kindly inform me if there is any additional information you need for the employment procedure. Thank you very much.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your name)

情境2: 回覆拒絕邀約或面談的電郵


  • 保持友善及禮貌態度﹔
  • 表逹對收到回覆的謝意﹔
  • 表示明白對方的處境﹔
  • 請求對方重新安排會面或提出相關邀約。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

Thank you so much for letting me know. I understand your need to cancel our appointment/invitation. Let’s discuss further when you are available and we can reschedule our appointment/invitation to continue our discussion. Thank you.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)


情境3: 回覆客戶關於產品或服務的查詢


  • 對查詢表示謝意﹔
  • 明確申明客戶的查詢或要求﹔
  • 提供或發送有關查詢的正確資料附件﹔
  • 提供聯絡資料給客戶作日後跟進。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx or Dear Valued Customer,

We receive your enquiry about xxx product/service we offer. Thank you so much for your interest. Please find attached the information about xxx product/service. Please feel free to contact us at (tel no.) or by email (email address) if you have further enquiries. Thanks again!

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)

情境4: 回覆客戶對於公司產品或服務的投訴


  • 保持筆調正面及有禮﹔
  • 重申客戶提及的問題,表示明白他們的不滿﹔
  • 對所造成的錯誤致歉﹔
  • 從客戶角度出發,表示同情之意﹔
  • 提供有用的方案去解決問題﹔
  • 安撫客戶﹔
  • 鼓勵他們未來繼續使用公司的產品或服務。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx or Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to write us and express your dissatisfaction about our services. At (company name), we always ensure our customers are satisfied with our services, and find the most suitable way to address their concerns without delay. We will call you in a few days to inform you about the methods we suggest for solving the issues you have encountered with our services.

In addition, we will assess your complaints to devise new measures to prevent the same issue from happening again. Please accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience caused. We are looking forward to offering you quality services in the near future.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)


情境5: 回覆上司查詢關於你負責的企劃的工作進度﹙當該項工作其實未有任何進度時﹚


  • 保持筆調正面及有禮﹔
  • Email主題宜清晰明確, e.g. Website revamp: update for 22/11/2018.
  • 用點列式表列出相關進度﹔
  • 報告最新進度,包括完成及未完成之事項,以及完成所需的時間﹔
  • 報告預計需要完成全項企劃所需的時間。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

Regarding the ABC publication project, please see the status of the project in the lists below. The project status looks good, and we are confident that we will complete it on time.

Completed items 

  • The first layout of the cover page completed.
  • The design agency has submitted samples of Pantone colour for cover and layout design (to be confirmed by 20 Nov).
  • All the copy finalized, pending directors’ approval by 30 Nov.

Outstanding items

  • Cover layout design to be finalized by 23 Nov.
  • Sponsor’s adverts to be submitted by 30 Nov.
  • All layout design to be finalized by 7 Dec.

No major issues have come up since the last email update was sent on (date). Please reply to this email if you need further discussion, or wish to raise an issue for us to take care of.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)

情境6: 回覆一位失去聯絡多時的工作夥伴的電郵


  • 保持筆調正面及客氣﹔
  • 對收到其電郵表達謝意﹔
  • 向其介紹公司最新產品或服務,以及對該名夥伴有用的資訊﹔
  • 安排一個最快的會面更新對方的狀況。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

I am glad to hear from you again. It’s been a long time since we met last time, hope you are doing well.

Let’s fix a date for a catch-up meeting. We can come to your office to meet up or have a lunch chat next week. Please let me know your availability. Thank you.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)

情境7: 回覆發電郵者緊急的要求提問


  • 對發電郵者表示謝意﹔
  • 提供一個可行的解決方案及預計可完成其緊急要求的時間﹔
  • 誠實及理智地交待需要更進一步的資料才可以完全理解其要求﹔
  • 提供相關的聯絡方法讓客戶可以跟進後續事宜。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

Thank you for your email dated 22 Nov. Your order of 200 movable cabinets (model no.: QE430) is being processed. We will arrange the dispatch of goods within the next 7 days.

Before we send the ordered items, we would like to know the type of package you prefer. Please visit our website (link) and let me know your preference.

If you have any question, please feel free to call me at (tel no.) or by email (email address). Thanks again for your request. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)

情境8: 回覆關於公司外洩個人資料的質疑


  • 清楚申明哪一類資料不幸外洩﹔
  • 申明公司已採取哪一類的相應行動去制止事件擴大﹔
  • 提供相關負責人的聯絡資料﹔
  • 感謝對方的耐心。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

We are writing to inform you that there was an unauthorized access to our company database containing user profile information. We have blocked this unauthorized access at once and took immediate actions to change our technical infrastructure to prevent future incidents.

It is of our utmost importance to keep the confidentiality of all user data. We deeply regret this incident and apologize to you, and will get back to you very soon with further updates.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at (tel no.) or by email (email address). We really appreciate your patience while we work through this. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your name)

(Your title)

情境9: 回覆上司解釋為甚麼手上的工作進度延誤了


  • 提供合理的說法請對方將截止時間延遲﹔
  • 不要等到最後一分鐘才發送Email向上司解釋相關事件﹔
  • 提出新的截止時間及如何去實現它﹔
  • 對任何產生的負面影響致歉。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

I am writing to inform you that the print advert of the ABC campaign is scheduled to be finalized by the end of tomorrow. I hope you can grant me an extension until noon next Tuesday. I am sorry to miss the deadline, but I am still waiting for the approval of the new corporate logo design from our client.

Please let me know if you have any concern. Thank you in advance for your patience and kind understanding.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)

情境10: 回覆部門主管關於你連累公司損失一筆生意的指責


  • 清楚申明問題及導致的結果﹔
  • 不要試圖尋找藉口去為自己開脫﹔
  • 清晰表明自己會如何去解決這個關問題,避免日後再出現類似事件﹔
  • 承認自己的錯誤及為此真誠道歉。

Reply Email範本:

Dear Mr/Ms xxx,

I would like to apologize for the faulty data we presented in the business meeting with Bonbon Enterprises Ltd (Bonbon) on 23 November, the estimated annual revenue should be HKD$50 million, instead of HKD$5 million. It caused our company to lose a deal with Bonbon. We know you and the rest of the management team are frustrated by this incident.

To help solve the issue, we have immediately delivered our apology to Mr White, the General Manager of Bonbon and sent him the correct information. He replied to us that he will study the data and contact us if he has further questions.

We promise we won’t make the same mistake in the future. Please feel free to propose any remedial actions that we can make to help forge closer ties with Bonbon. Thank you very much.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Your title)


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