如何給面試官寫Thank you email?見工後最關鍵的發信黃金時間

如何給面試官寫Thank you email?見工後最關鍵的發信黃金時間
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 08 February, 2019


Jobsdb向全港二十個行業包活資訊及通訊科技界、教育及培訓界、廣告、媒體及出版界、互聯網及創企、飲食界等六千名從業員發出問卷調查,深入發掘他們對工作的期望。欲知更多香港打工仔的訴求,可參閱Jobsdb引才法則 (Laws of Attraction) 互動網站的按需分析。



  • 面試後24小時內發送電郵


  • 簡短而扼要


  • 向面試人員致謝


  • 再次提及對申請職位的興趣


  • 提及與職位相關的重要經驗


  • 補充見工時遺漏了的重要資訊                     


  • 留下聯絡方法


▪ Email大變法:10種Email開頭及收尾寫法

▪ 見工迷思:面試後為甚麼遲遲未有回音?

Thank You Email/Letter範本:

(Your address) 




(The recipient’s name)

(The recipient’s title)

(The company name)

(The company address)


Dear Mr/Ms (surname),


Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me in the interview today for the position of Digital Marketing Specialist that has opened with (the company name). It was great to meet you and your marketing team to learn more about the role.


I am very eager to join (the company name) and take up this new challenge. I am particularly interested in the details you have mentioned about the role, which will have to establish a strong global presence for (the company name) on various social media platforms, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As we discussed, I have previously established a network of 10K Facebook followers for ABC Group in two months and drawn 8K Instagram followers for XYZ Enterprises in three months. I am confident that my past experience and my interest in digital marketing will enable me to fulfil the job requirements of the applied position.


Should you need further information for your decision-making process, please let me know. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!


Yours sincerely,

(Your signature)

(Your full name)

(mobile & email address)


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