【聖誕新年賀詞懶人包】Merry Christmas未必人人啱聽?必學20句簡單祝福及電郵賀詞

【聖誕新年賀詞懶人包】Merry Christmas未必人人啱聽?必學20句簡單祝福及電郵賀詞
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 22 December, 2022

接近年底,無論大街還是工作間都洋溢著一種holiday mood,一年一度的聖誕新年來臨,這時候亦是一眾企業為客戶送贈聖誕禮物或祝福的時候,如果你到今日才發現自己還未發聖誕新年賀詞給一眾客戶和工作伙伴,但一句"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year"似乎太行貨,在現今多元職場下又未必人人啱聽,該怎麼辦?


職場賀詞簡單版—Merry Christmas未必人人啱聽 學識多元祝福語


1.Happy holidays!  節日快樂!

2.May your days be jolly!  願你的日子過得愉快!

3.Wishing you joy in this festive season!  希望你於佳節充滿喜樂!

4.May this Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love!  希望聖誕節讓你充滿愛與溫暖!

5.Best wishes for a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!  與聖誕和新年為你送上最大祝福!

6.Wishing you peace and happiness throughout the year!  希望你在來年充滿平安和喜樂!

7.Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with peace and happiness!  祝你節日快樂,來年充滿平安和喜樂!

8.Wishing you a beautiful holiday season filled with joy and laughter. Merry Christmas!  希望你在這個美麗的節日充滿笑聲,聖誕快樂!


職場賀詞中階版—公司客戶電郵 用字要夠誠意


1.Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!  送上最熱烈的思念和最美好的祝福,希望您度過一個美好的假期,新年快樂!

2.May peace, joy, hope and happiness be yours during this holiday season and throughout the new year!  希望你在新一年充滿平安、喜樂、希望和幸福!

3.We wish you abundance, happiness, and peace in a new year filled with joy and hope!  我們祝願你新一年充滿歡樂和希望,並有富足、幸福、平安!

4.This season, may you be blessed with laughter, peace, and love.  這個佳節,願你充滿歡笑、和平與愛。

5.It has been a pleasure to work with you this year. We wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023!  今年很高興能與你合作。祝你聖誕快樂,2023年事業蒸蒸日上!

6.All of us at [COMPANY NAME] join in wishing you a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.  [公司名稱] 的仝人祝你聖誕快樂,新年富足安康!

7.Best wishes from [COMPANY NAME]. Have an amazing new year filled with peace and happiness.  為你送上來自[公司名稱]的祝福,度過一個充滿和平與幸福的美好新年!


職場賀詞進階版 – 總結該年展望來年 答謝工作伙伴/客戶


1.One of the real joys of the Holiday Season is the opportunity to say Thank You and to wish you the very best for the New Year.   我們希望藉著佳節向你道謝,並祝福你有愉快的新一年!

2.In the spirit of the season, we extend a heartfelt Thank You and wish you the very best in the new year.   在這個充滿祝福的季節,我們希望表示衷心的感謝,並祝你在新的一年裡一切順利。

3.As the year ends, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped us shape our business. We value our relationship with you and look forward to working with you in the year to come.  2022年即將過去,我們回想過去的一年以及所有幫助我們建立業務的人,我們非常重視與你的關係,並期待在來年與你合作。

4.As the holiday season approaches, we think about all we are appreciative for and our relationship with you is one. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. We wish you a Merry Christmas and tremendous success in 2023.  隨著假期的臨近,我們想到了我們所感激的一切,我們與您的關係是其中重要的一環。 感謝你讓我們有機會為你服務, 祝您聖誕快樂,並在 2023 年取得巨大成功!

5.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. It is business associates like you who make our job a pleasure and keep our company successful. Happy holidays!  我們想藉此機會感謝你一直以來的支持,正是像你這樣的業務夥伴讓我們的工作變得愉快,並使我們的公司保持成功。 節日快樂!


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