
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 02 November, 2020


見工時,應徵者最常被問到的問題就是「請你自我介紹」,而不少HR為考驗應徵者英文程度能否達標,都會使用英文作出提詢。面對這樣簡單入門的問題,卻有不少應徵者表示憂慮,一是擔心用英文未能好好表達自己,二是不知道介紹姓名學歷之後,應該取哪些重點而說明之。不要以為這樣的情況只發生在fresh grad身上,資深的打工仔也會因為工作經驗繁多而無從入手。



I recently graduated from HKUST with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. I majored in Accounting as I have always been drawn to numbers. Choosing to study Accounting was one of the best decisions I have ever made as it helped me realize that it is my true passion.

I am a highly-motivated, enthusiastic, and hard-working person who is constantly looking to better myself. I believe that my willingness to go above and beyond will help me excel in my role and grow my skill set as I help grow the company I work for. (如無相關工作經驗,可集中講解個人的事業目標。)

I want to work for an employer who is inclusive, innovative, and invested in their employees, and I am very interested in working in this company because you check all the boxes.” (同時帶出對申請職位或公司的興趣。)

▪ 見工問答英文篇:自我介紹、事業目標、長處優點,點答最好?

▪ 【Fresh grad面試攻略】準備面試Checklist:6步助你成功突圍而出


“After a short stint in the fashion industry, I moved to the jewellery industry and currently work as a Senior Sales Associate for a diamond jewellery brand. I have always known that, in order to succeed in the field of sales, I have to understand what makes people act and talk the way they do. So, I enrolled in a part-time psychology course while working my full-time job, which honed my observational and listening skills. It also taught me the importance of responding instead of reacting, especially in a professional setting, which is something that I consciously try to practice every day. (有一定年資的中級員工可以讓未來僱主知道自己一直與時並進,有追求更進一步發展的野心。)

I firmly believe that my human-centered thinking is what helped me become one of the highest-performing employees in my team who not only meets but exceeds sales goals. I am ready to take on more responsibilities and step into the role of manager. I feel like I have been preparing for this role for the past few years and I am very excited about the possibilities and challenges it will bring.” (強調資歷上有哪些技能或經驗能匹配申請職位。)


“I grew up in the era of advertising. As a young kid with both parents working in advertising agencies in the sixties, I was immersed in all things marketing and branding even before I knew those terms. My parents’ passion for their own careers is what shaped my own career. (因有一定的工作經驗,為免令人覺得你會是一個因循守舊的人,可強調自己對事業的「初心」。)

As a Marketing Manager with more than 10 years of experience under my belt, my background and experience align with the qualifications required for the Branding Manager role. I know the ins and outs of executing campaigns for both digital and print medium, but don’t take my word for it, you can check out the latest sales analysis report that shows a 45% growth in the last three months. (不用逐份工作經驗講解,為十年經驗做一個最有利的總結,並佐以數據作證。)

Whenever the team was tasked with executing campaigns, I found it exhilarating to analyze why we are doing what we do and how to use existing data to create predictions and trend reports. I have consistently exceeded expectations as a Marketing Manager and my track record will speak for itself. My favorite part about executing marketing campaigns is when I have to read through various data and reports before asking the team to get together and brainstorm. I would take great joy and pleasure in strategizing and maintaining your brand’s integrity for the next few years.” (要強調自己多年來的進步及技能轉型,最好配合申請空缺的條件作重點說明。)

▪ HR真心話!大專生疫境求職無回音?4招解救石沉大海的CV

▪ 見工最後「你有冇問題想問」要點答?4種回應成面試加分位


  • 不要超過三分鐘

  • 應在家背熟撰寫好的內容

  • 不要一份稿行天下,應為每份空缺度身打造

  • 自我介紹時,與對方保持眼神接觸

  • 如英語自問一般,不要過份斟酌文法,以自己能自信及流暢表達為重



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