英文Email開場白!40句適合於職場英語電郵 專業地問候/寒暄/跟進工作

英文Email開場白!40句適合於職場英語電郵 專業地問候/寒暄/跟進工作
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 01 August, 2021

打工仔每日都會收到大量電郵,無論是同事、客戶及其他合作夥伴,Email老是常出現的”Hope you’re well!”。到底是否可以一句萬事通行?其實不同身份/處境/狀態都應該使用配合當下狀況的開場白,讓電郵發揮更好的溝通能力。


  1. Good morning/Good afternoon

  2. I hope this email finds you well.

  3. Allow me to introduce myself.

  4. I’m reaching out to discuss…


  1. As discussed,...

  2. As promised, I am...

  3. I am checking in on...

  4. I am getting back to you about...

  5. I am following up on our conversation from…

  6. As per our phone conversation earlier…

  7. I just wanted to circle back around to…

  8. Could you please provide me with an update on...?

  9. I just wanted to bump this back up in your inbox in case you missed it.

▪ 職場英文咁寫已過時?學識用清新自然Email用語/開場白/上下款

▪ 仲嚟well received?寫好公事email,閃避港式英文


  1. What if I told you that…?

  2. How would you like to…?

  3. I noticed that you/your company/your competitor recently...

  4. I have a few ideas on how your business can leverage...


  1. Congratulations on your [recent achievement]!

  2. It was great bumping into/catching up with you...

  3. I hope you enjoyed your [event]!

  4. How did the [project/campaign] turn out?

  5. I loved your recent [social media post/article] on…

  6. I am very impressed with the way you/your company...

  7. [Name] suggested that I get in touch with you to…

▪ 【病假英語】WhatsApp、email語境大不同 請sick leave的5大注意事項

▪ Best Regards變Best Regrets﹗打開公司Email,千奇百趣的錯字語錄來了


  1. Quick question!

  2. Can you do me a favour?

  3. I need your help with…

  4. Can I pick your brain on…?

  5. Could you let me know your thoughts on…?

  6. I have a few suggestions on...


  1. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

  2. I hope you are having a great start to the week!

  3. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  4. Happy Friday!

  5. I hope you have had your morning coffee.

  6. Yes! It’s me again!

  7. I come bearing good news—there are only [number] days till Friday!

  8. I promise this email will not be as long as the last one!

  9. I hope you were not waiting for someone else’s email.

  10. If this email ruined the ‘zero’ status of your inbox, I sincerely apologise!



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