
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 17 May, 2019

好多打工仔都覺得被 Appraisal 考起,唔知點寫先啱。尤其是面對自己要改善嘅(Improvement)地方?有咩目標(Goal)?以下為你提供回答以上Appraisal兩大重點的英文示範例句,等你輕鬆應對 ﹗

1. 點寫自己有咩進步空間?

What areas do you need to improve? 你在哪些方面需要改進?


I may not be good at managing my time, but I will learn and improve my time management skills.


I feel a little stressful in handling negative feedback from customers, but it’s good to hear feedback from them and learn from it.


Based on what you said, I know now I need to improve my communication skills in this area.


2. 點答嚟緊有咩目標?

What are your goals? 你嘅目標係咩?


I will complete all my work and try my best to achieve all targets.


I hope I can take more responsibilities and be more committed towards my work.


I will upgrade my management skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, etc.



唔好寫得太誇張,例如可以用 “active learner”、”have a serious attitude”,而唔好用”outstanding”、”excellent” 等字眼。

提出想加人工或升職要有技巧:最緊要態度要誠懇(sincere),同時婉轉啲咁表達,例如話自己想 “move forward”(前進)。


如果大家有咩職場英語嘅主題想我哋分享,歡迎喺Facebook comment度留意見畀我哋㗎!



資料由Wall Street English提供

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