【Intern CV懶人包】無工作經驗靠技能發揮?銀行及FMCG等4大熱門實習位履歷範本

【Intern CV懶人包】無工作經驗靠技能發揮?銀行及FMCG等4大熱門實習位履歷範本
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 06 September, 2023

實習工作(Internship)是同學打開職涯的第一道門。在職場上可謂白紙一張的新手們,寫CV時或會覺得無從入手,或者誤以為將所有資料「炒埋一碟」,以量取勝,但切記CV是潛在僱主檢視你的第一道門,短短數秒內如果你的履歷表只是堆砌程度,絕對不會引起對方的注意,要知道每個實習職位或有過百名競爭者,想脫穎而出,絕非在網上左抄右抄便可了事。加上大部份同學未必有太多工作經驗,focus on最相關的技能有助突圍而出。小編以下將為你整理實習生CV懶人包,提醒10大注意事項,及4大熱門實習職位的技能要求,附CV教範本。

▪ 免費CV生成器附教學!5分鐘完成履歷表靠Canva,較Word簡單媲美InDesign

▪ 【求職貼士】三個簡單步驟增CV被看見機會 筍工隨時自動搵上門

Intern CV 寫作清單10大Dos and Donts: 


 ✔ 限制篇幅:勿以量取勝,CV僅限一頁紙約300字左右,所以篇幅一定要精簡及中point。 

 ✔ 關鍵字法則:記住要將技能與Job Ad列出的要求最大程度連繫上,盡量將相關的關鍵字納入內容中,不要一封CV走天涯,Relevancy是CV的跑出關鍵 。 

 ✔ 善用小圖像:由於篇幅有限,建議同學使用小圖像如地圖定位icon表達個人居住地,社交平台icon表達社交帳號地址,信件icon表達電郵地址等,令個人事項更清晰易明。 

 ✔ 美感實用兼備:CV盡量不要用太花巧顏色,藍色、灰色、黑色是穩陣之選,如想型格一點,建議最多只用2種顏色配搭,字體及font size要一致性,大小要有序,如副題以粗體呈現。建議使用Sans serif 字型,如Calibri、Arial、Helvetica等。 

 ✔ 善用線上校對工具:使用善上文法檢測工具或文法修飾軟件,令遣詞造句流𣈱呈現。 


​​✗​ 公開身份信息:不要填寫自己的詳細居住地址、年齡及身份證號碼等,以保護個人身份信息。 

​​✗​ 奇怪Email帳號:Email帳號不宜使用奇怪的配搭,如[email protected],首選個人姓名如[email protected],予人正式感覺。 

​​✗​ 加入不相關經驗:避免列出與實習職位無關的經驗或技能。專注於內容的關聯性,以保持你的履歷簡潔和中point。 

​​✗​ 使用縮寫:重要事項勿使用縮寫,如校名或獎項。一些行內術語如SEO、API、HTML則不在此列。 

​​✗​ 誇大工作經驗或技能:如只有些許兼職經驗,宜貼實呈現自己的工作表現,不宜使用”Manage”、”Lead”、”Oversee”這些領導性字眼。在技能列表上,如只是新手,也不宜稱自己為”Expertise”,可使用”Experience”或”Knowledge of”等取代。 


▪ 搵唔同工作要整不同版本?HR 解答6大CV及Cover Letter常見疑難






Name: 個人真實姓名 

Career Objective:自我介紹及職涯目標 

Contact : 個人聯絡資訊(包括電郵、電話、居住地區、個人網站、工作用的社交帳號等) 



Education:通常只填最高教育程度,如Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science ,加上學校名稱及預期畢業年月份。如GPA爆3過4,可納入此欄。 

Skills :數碼技能及其他技能 

Relevant courses:與職位相關的課程 

Extracurricular Activities:課外活動或義工活動 


References: 如有實際推薦人,可寫” Available upon request” 

Language: 注明Native或Proficient 

Expected Salary(如招聘廣告已列明薪酬,則不用包括此欄)  

4大熱門實習崗位 靠技能發揮

1. FMCG靠多元技能跑出 

FMCG的實習職位經常讓同學仔趨之若鶩,一來進入大品牌實習是省靚個人招牌的黃金機會;二來FMCG實習生往往有機會涉獵跨部門的工作,對職涯起點是一大助力。寫CV時可多強調自己的soft skills,FMCG的實習常與市場營銷及推廣息息相關,讀Marketing的同學較有優勢,可重點刻畫自己的相關技能。 


申請職位:FMCG – Full-time Internship 



Kay Hung 

Summer Internship 

Career Objective 

Results-driven and self-motivated university student seeking a challenging internship opportunity at ABC Company. Proficient in English, with a passion for the FMCG industry and a strong analytical mindset. Excited to contribute to ABC Company ‘s dynamic team and gain hands-on experience in Marketing. 


Address: Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong  

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 60006000 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/[Account name] 


Marketing Intern 

DEF Company, Hong Kong, June 2022 - August 2023 

Assisted in implementing digital marketing strategies, resulting in a 20% increase in online engagement Conducted competitor analysis and market research Contributed to the development of social media content 

Market Research Project 

The University of Hong Kong, March 2022 - June 2023 

Conducted in-depth market research on consumer behavior trends Collaborated with a team to create a comprehensive marketing campaign Analyzed data and provided strategic recommendations 


The University of Hong Kong (HKU) 

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a majorin Marketing 

Expected Graduation: May 2024 

Key Skills 

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Proficiency in English with excellent communication skills Entrepreneurial mindset and ability to adapt to complex tasks Team player with autonomy and a proactive approach Digital marketing proficiency Creativity and product knowledge 

Relevant Courses 

Brand Management Consumer Behavior Analysis E-commerce and Online Retailing Market Research and Analysis Marketing Strategies 

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities 

Marketing Club, HKU, Marketing Executive, August 2022 – Present Organized and led marketing workshops and events Community Service Club, HKU, Volunteer, September 2022 – Present Engaged in volunteer activities supporting local communities 


English (Proficient) Cantonese (Native) Mandarin (Fluent) 


Available upon request  

2. 投行請人重行業知識 


CV範本 : 

申請職位:Investment Bank-Summer Internship 



George Lee 

Summer Internship 

Career Objective 

I am seeking practical experience in ABC Bank's Summer Payments Internship program to strengthen my financial analysis and risk management skills. With a passion for the finance field, I am eager to contribute my talents and grow alongside accomplished professionals. 


Address: Yau Tong, Kowloon 

Email: [email protected] 


LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/[Account name] 

School Competitions and Projects 

Finance Case Competition 

Collaborated with a team to analyze financial data, develop investment strategies, and present recommendations Achieved first place in the Finance Case Competition, 2023 

Financial Modeling Project 

Led a project simulating real-world financial modelling scenarios, including valuation and risk analysis Applied advanced Excel skills to create comprehensive financial models. 2022 

Risk Management Simulation 

Participated in a risk management simulation, making decisions to mitigate financial risks in a dynamic market environment Demonstrated strong analytical and problem-solving skills 

Awarded "Best Risk Management Strategy" in the Risk Management Simulation, 2022


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in Finance 

Expected Graduation: May 2024 


Skills and Specializations 

Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities Skills in financial modelling and data analysis Excellent communication and collaboration skills Highly adaptable with innovative thinking Proficient in Microsoft Excel and data analysis tools (SQL) Familiarity with Bloomberg Terminal for real-time market analysis Competence in data visualization tools such as Tableau Basic programming knowledge in Python and R for financial analysis and modelling 

Relevant Courses 

Financial Markets and Investment Risk Management and Insurance Financial Modeling and Analysis Financial Derivatives Corporate Finance 

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities 

Member of the Student Union Finance Department An active member of the University Finance Club Volunteer Service: Participation in community support projects 

Language Skills 

English: Proficient 

Cantonese: Native 

Mandarin: Fluent 


Available upon request 


3. Retail Bank需軟硬技能兼備 

Retail Bank對不少同學仔來說也是很熱門的職涯起步點,這項工作需要站在最前線,服務顧客,所以soft skills 如溝通能力、交際手腕、處理危機能力與hard skills如投資產品知識、分析能力缺一不可,在寫CV時應着重強調這些能力。如有相關兼職經驗,最好以數據呈現自己過往的實戰經驗,以增加說服力。 

CV範本 : 

申請職位:Retail Bank-Summer internship 



Edith Kwok 

Summer Internship

Career Objective 

Motivated and academically accomplished university student in their penultimate year, eager to join ABC Bank as a Retail Banking Summer Intern. Demonstrated leadership, strong teamwork, and communication skills combined with a passion for the financial industry. Committed to learning and contributing to the corporate level while gaining valuable hands-on experience. 


Location: Tuen Mun, New Territories 

Email: [email protected] 


LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/[account name] 

Work Experience 

Customer Relations Associate (Part-time) 

DEF Bank | June 2022 - Present 

Delivered exceptional customer service by addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and providing financial guidance Conducted financial product presentations to clients, resulting in a 15% increase in investment product adoption Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and launch a digital banking promotion, increasing online account registrations by 25% 


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Business Economics, City University of Hong Kong 

Expected Graduation: May 2024 

GPA: 3.5/4.0 

Key Skills 

Strong leadership and teamwork skills developed through leadership roles in the City University of Hong Kong Investment Club Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities fostered through collaboration with diverse teams in coursework Solid understanding of the global banking landscape through coursework in financial management and independent research Keen focus on client service demonstrated by exceptional customer feedback during a part-time role in customer relations Analytical and quantitative skills honed through coursework and participation in data analysis projects 

Relevant Courses 

Customer Relationship Management Service Marketing Consumer Behavior Analysis Retail ManagementBusiness Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 

Academic Projects 

Market Analysis Project | City University of Hong Kong | March 2023 - May 2023 

Conducted extensive market research on emerging consumer banking trends Collaborated with a team to develop a comprehensive market analysis report Analyzed data and presented findings to faculty and peers 

Awards and Honors 

Best Presenter Award, Market Analysis Project | May 2023 

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities 

City University of Hong Kong Investment Club, City University of Hong Kong, President | August 2022 – Present 

Organized and led investment workshops and events 

City University of Hong Kong Ethics Club, City University of Hong Kong, Member | September 2021 – Present 

Engaged in ethical discussions and participated in community service activities 



Native in Cantonese 

Fluent in English (spoken and written) 

Proficient in Mandarin (spoken and written) 


Available upon request 


4. Marketing Agency請人 數碼營銷技能成重點 

很多Marketing Agency都有請intern的需求,對同學仔來說,入行門檻亦不算高,而且即使不是Marketing出身,只要具備相關技能都有機會跑出。在線上推廣及營銷作主導的趨勢下,建議同學仔寫CV時對症下藥,列出自己所具備的digital skills。 

CV範本 : 

申請職位:Digital Marketing intern 



Beatrice Cheung 

Digital Marketing Intern 

Career Objective 

Motivated and detail-oriented Digital Marketing enthusiast with a strong foundation in marketing principles and a passion for optimizing website conversion rates and creating effective digital marketing funnels. Seeking a 6-month Digital Marketing Internship opportunity at ABC Company to contribute to your marketing initiatives, gain hands-on experience, and further develop my skills in digital marketing. 


Location: Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 

Email: [email protected] 

Mobile: 40986888 

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/[account name] 

Website: Bcheung.com 

Work Experience 

Marketing Intern | XXX Company| April 2022 - August 2022 

Conducted research to identify opportunities for improving website conversion rates, leading to a 15% increase in conversions Assisted in content creation, including blog posts and social media content Analyzed website data and presented findings to optimize digital marketing strategies Collaborated with team members to execute marketing initiatives 


Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Marketing 

Hong Kong Baptist University 

Expected Graduation: May 2024 


Website Conversion Rate Optimization Project 

Conducted A/B tests and analyzed user behaviour to optimize website conversion rates, resulting in a 20% increase in leads 

Relevant Courses 

Digital Marketing Strategies SEO and Conversion Rate Optimization Email Marketing and Social Media Management Marketing Analytics and Data Analysis Content Creation and Marketing 

Key Skills 

Digital Marketing Tools: Proficient in Google Analytics, SEO tools (e.g., SEMrush), PPC advertising, and email marketing platforms Conversion Rate Optimization: Strong analytical skills to identify opportunities for improving website conversion rates and A/B testing strategies Content Creation: Skilled in creating compelling blog posts, social media content, and email marketing campaigns Social Media Management: Proficient in managing and growing social media accounts Data Analysis: Able to analyze website data to optimize digital marketing strategies Design Skills: Familiar with design tools like Figma and Canva for basic graphic design tasks 


Google Analytics Certification HubSpot Email Marketing Certification 

Extracurricular Activities 

Member of Hong Kong Baptist University Marketing Club, actively participating in organizing marketing workshops and events 


Fluent in English and Mandarin Native in Cantonese 


Available upon request 

Expected Salary 


備注:Expected Salary要視乎招聘公司的規模與行情,以及職位是Part-time還是Full-time,如公司沒有列明需填寫Expected Salary,可選擇不列入CV。 



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