【Fresh Grad CV 懶人包】1版篇幅軟銷自己 靠主動動詞及關鍵字突圍而出 附教學範例

【Fresh Grad CV 懶人包】1版篇幅軟銷自己 靠主動動詞及關鍵字突圍而出  附教學範例
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 31 July, 2023

每逢畢業旺季,一班Fresh Grad一定落足眼力睇定job market,這三年面對工作模式轉變、多了remote、hybrid的職位,AI加速進駐職場,數碼技能變得不能缺少,不少職場新鮮人都要重整旗鼓,想辦法在CV上突圍而出,除了從興趣及個人專長出發、尋找適合自己發展的起步點外,亦要懂得掌握HR的篩選準則。以下的CV的撰寫貼士幫你搵工寫履歷時去蕪存菁,最大程度地向HR技巧性軟銷自己。

Fresh Grad CV 寫作清單Dos and Donts:





✔格式一致:使用一致性的字體及font size,不要忽大忽少,副題可用粗體呈現。建議使用Sans serif 字型,如Calibri、Arial、Helvetica或Lato等較大路的字體。


貼士: 現時AI當道,寫CV前不妨向ChatGPT請教或使用其他線上grammar checkers做文筆潤飾及校對, 如Grammarly、Wordtune等皆有免費版提供校對或改寫服務。 



​​✗​使用不專業的電子郵箱地址:建立一個專業的電子郵箱地址,最好以你的first name及last name配搭,如[email protected],不要使用如[email protected]這些看起來隨意的電郵信箱。




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▪ 【求職貼士】三個簡單步驟增CV被看見機會 筍工隨時自動搵上門






Name: 個人真實姓名

Career Objective:自我介紹及職涯目標

Contact : 個人聯絡資訊(包括電郵、電話、居住地區、個人網站、工作用的社交帳號等)

Work Experience:工作經驗,以最近職位行先(如沒有工作經驗,可以校外活動、學校projects為主導)

Education:通常只填最高教育程度,如Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) ,加上學校名稱及畢業年月份。如GPA爆3過4, 或First Hon畢業,可納入此欄。

References: 如有實際推薦人,可寫” Available upon request”

Awards & Certifications: 證書或獎項


Skills :數碼技能及其他技能

Expected Salary:期待薪酬

Language: 注明Native或Proficient


1. 擺自己上網—Social Media Profile或個人網站

在這個數碼時代,社交媒體在求職與交友方面扮演着關鍵角色。在眾多平台中,LinkedIn絕對是畢業生首選的職業社交網站。悉心經營個人LinkedIn戶口,展示你的教育、技能、成就和事業目標。寫CV時,可將Linkedln account置於Contact一欄的住址下方。如你正在尋找設計或媒體製作、Web/App development等工作,記得附上個人作品集網址(Portfolio website), 使用如WordpressWixAdobe PortfolioFigmaBehanceHTML5 Flipbook等,展示自己的過往作品。




Email:[email protected]

Location:Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/Janesosample

Website: realjaneso.com

2. 寫好Career  Objective軟銷自己

近年在CV置頂的,通常為Career summary 或objective, 建議畢業生採用Career Objective打頭陣,簡單扼要地自我介紹,短短4-5行不超過80字的撮寫中,要包攬自己想申請的職位、與職位匹配的相關技能及軟實力(如溝通協調能力)等。切勿使用一些較誇大自身經驗的字眼如”impactful”、”insightful”等等,原因是作為junior求職者,這些字眼會讓HR覺得你過度自信或自大。


Career Objective

A Business Administration graduate seeking a Junior Business Analyst role. Equipped with proficiency in Excel, SQL, and data visualization tools, as well as hands-on experience in market research, data interpretation, and report generation. Demonstrates strong problem-solving abilities and a keen eye for detail. Possesses exceptional communication and teamwork skills, along with adaptability and a strong willingness to learn, to contribute effectively to the success of the organization.

3. 80%關鍵字順利通過ATS系統

現時很多大企業都有用應徵者追蹤系統(Application Tracking System, ATS),ATS系統通常會在履歷進入HR眼瞼之前先進行篩選,所以你的履歷一定要通過這個關鍵字篩選。過關方法很簡單,照單執藥,亦即招聘廣告上的JD有甚麼要求,如要求申請者一定要識某種software,例如IT職位,通常要求識多種程式語言,如果廣告列明求職者要識Java、Python等,或者要具備某些soft skills, 謹記將7-8成技能關鍵字納入CV內容中的Career Objective、Work Experience或Skills欄目,確保自己最大程度吻合招聘者提出的條件。


▪ 搵唔同工作要整不同版本?HR 解答6大CV及Cover Letter常見疑難

4. 強調數碼技能

了解你申請的職位對成功突圍尤其關鍵,近年行行都爭相競請數碼人才,建議如有心入行要對症下藥,知道哪種技能是入行關鍵,可為你先拔頭籌。至於一些傳統的軟件技能, 例如Microsoft Office Suite(包括Word、PowerPoint等),除非招聘廣告列明需要精通,否則CV篇幅有限,可不納入技能範疇。


Technical Skills

Proficiency in Data Analysis: Excel (pivot tables, data visualization)Data Visualization: TableauBasic Knowledge of Statistical Analysis: R, PythonData Query and Analysis: Proficiency in using SQL for data querying and analysis.

 5. 多使用主動動詞

當在競爭激烈的就業市場中,打造一份引人注目的履歷至關重要。為了脫穎而出,在闡述自己的Work experience時,請使用具體的動詞替換一般性動詞(General Verb)。一般性動詞,如「協助」(Assist)、「協作」 ( Coordinate),缺乏影響力和清晰性,雖說經驗欠奉的Fresh Grad未能使用Manage、 Lead、Oversee等搶眼用字,但不妨使用更具體及積極性的主動動詞(Action Verb)字去突顯自己的主動性。


職位:Business Analyst Intern



Assisted the senior Business Analyst in gathering requirements for new projects.

Supported the senior Business Analyst in gathering requirements for new projects.

Handled large datasets to identify trends and patterns for business insights.

Analyzed large datasets to identify trends and patterns for business insights.

Developed detailed reports on market trends and competitor analysis.

Created detailed reports on market trends and competitor analysis.

Coordinated meetings with stakeholders to discuss project progress.

Facilitated meetings with stakeholders to discuss project progress.

Conducted user acceptance testing to ensure the functionality of new software.

Executed user acceptance testing to ensure the functionality of new software.

Contributed to cross-functional teams, collaborating on process improvement initiatives.

Collaborated with cross-functional teams on process improvement initiatives.

6. 零工作經驗怎算好?

沒有工作經驗的畢業生建議在Career Objective下填上Skills Summary,簡短列出你有甚麼重點技能。


Skills Summary

Data Analysis and VisualizationBusiness Statistics and Quantitative AnalysisMarket Research and Consumer BehaviorInformation Systems and Database Management

在原本work experience那欄以課外活動、School projects、上莊活動取代,可強調自己從中學習或使用到的可轉移技能,如Problem-solving、leadership、communication skills。


Academic Projects

Market Research Project

Conducted comprehensive market research to analyze consumer behaviour and identify potential growth opportunities for a new product launch. Utilized statistical analysis to interpret survey data and present actionable insights.

Data Analysis Project

Analyzed financial data of a company to identify cost-saving opportunities. Utilized Excel and pivot tables to organize and visualize the data, resulting in a 15% reduction in operational costs.

Extracurricular Activities

Member, Business Analytics Club: Participated in workshops and data analysis competitions, enhancing skills in data visualization and predictive modelling.

Volunteer, Community Data Collection Project: Collaborated with a team to collect and analyze data for a local community development project.

Fresh Grad搵工競爭大,因為很多工作都是entry level,加上大家同一時間畢業,一時間湧入職場,百人爭一個位的情況也是常見,所以要脫穎而出,一份中point的CV好緊要。小編建議Fresh Grad在撰寫CV時不要以「寫多好過寫少」為原則,僅記篇幅有限,要精準命中申請職位的要求,讓HR在芸芸CV中更易spot到你。


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