Job Seeker Salary Report 2022

Job Seeker Salary Report 2022

In the midst of numerous challenges, how do salaries and bonuses fare? What is the general future employment outlook? Consolidating shared information of over 3,600 employees, JobsDB presents the Job Seeker Salary Report 2022, with salary indices and trends in the job market.

Job Seeker Salary Report 2022 Key Findings

1. As of 1 March 2022, full-time employees had an average salary increase of 3.2% , a 2.8% increase from last year.

2. Among the 3,632 people surveyed, 53% of full-time employees received a pay rise , 41% had their salary unchanged, and 6% said they had a salary cut.

3. The three job functions that saw the most pay rise are: Analytics (+7.3%), Digital Marketing, E-Commerce & Social Media (+6.4%), and Public Relations & Corporate Affairs (+6.1%).

4. Employees in these three job functions experienced a pay cut : Retail Sales (-4.8%), Food & Beverage (-1.1%), and Corporate Sales and Business Development (-0.2%).

5. 72% of employees received an average of 1.4 months of bonus. The three job functions that distributed the most bonuses are: Banking, Insurance, and Finance.

Download Job Seeker Salary Report 2022

Hi hirer, want to know the latest data and trends related to salary to plan for your hiring plans ahead?

Salary trend according to the Job Seeker Salary Report 2022

Respondents’ employment outlook for Hong Kong in 2022:




76% of respondents are open-minded about the possibility of changing jobs in the coming three months. Here are the five job functions with most people looking to change jobs:


Hospitality / Tourism


Marketing / Branding


Food & Beverage




Retail Sales

Hi HR,

Want to know the market value of various job positions to plan for talent recruitment ahead?

Extra: Employees’ inclination to work overseas

More of the latest salary and job-seeking tips!

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