職場英語:如何婉轉地reject老細的bad idea

職場英語:如何婉轉地reject老細的bad idea
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 20 October, 2017

打工仔受得人二分四,就預咗要對老細言聽計從。但有時候明知老細畀嘅意見行唔通,夾硬去做嘅話一係就死路一條,一係就做死自己,作為團隊嘅一分子都好應該盡力勸導老細「三思而後行」。如果你老細係英文人,當然唔可以咁直接話「This idea is so stupid」啦!咁應該點樣同佢講好啲呢?

1. 請老細先解釋清楚


  • That’s a really interesting plan. Can you help me understand how we got there?
  • I am confused. Can you tell me more about this?

2. 先讚後彈


  • I love the fact that this can [reduce costs]. My concern is that [our customers may not like it].
  • I can see why you suggest this in order to [reduce costs]. But what are your thoughts about [the quality of the product]?
  • Well, I like your point about [reducing costs]. But if we did this, there might be negative consequences like [customers complaining bad product]. Can we try to find alternatives?

3. 婉轉地提出其他方案


  • I suggest we [re-evaluate our suppliers]. This way we can [reduce costs] while [maintaining the quality of the product], just like you always wanted.
  • I think it could be even better if we [re-evaluate our suppliers].
  • I see what you mean, but I am actually thinking about this a little bit differently because of [something you told me last time]. And here’s my perspective…

4. 建議其他人選


  • As you know, I already have quite a few projects I have to finish by the same deadline. I don’t think I will be able to get all of these done the way you want them in if I have to do it all at once.
  • So as an alternative, you remember we were speaking in a meeting with [Chris] and he said he [had some connections in the industry]? Would it be better if he takes the lead in the project and I work with him?




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