員工福利有幾吸引?想入行留意6大FMCG 附P&G面試問題及貼士

員工福利有幾吸引?想入行留意6大FMCG 附P&G面試問題及貼士
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 06 November, 2021

除了投行、銀行及Conglomerates正如火如荼地進行招聘,還有FMCG快銷大企呢!相信不少同學都知道FMCG的Internship/MT Program絕不比Bank MT或Property MT遜色。但哪幾間FMCG企業需要特別留意?又有何報工特別注意事項?修讀Marketing才可以報?報P&G必備的8大常問題又是甚麼?如果你對FMCG有興趣,又想知道答案,必定要看以下內容啦!



FMCG=Fast Moving Consumer Goods,即日常生活中的快速消耗品。由於是生活必需品,加上消耗很快,故需要頻繁購買,而且價格不太高,消費者購買時會較隨意,小數怕長計之下,令FMCG成為穩定,且具發展潛力的行業。相信同學仔都一定去過萬寧、屈臣氏、惠康及百佳買洗頭水、潤膚霜等日用品,無論好市壞市,大家都要繼續沖涼、用紙巾、買醬油……所以我們每個人都是FMCG的「客仔」。



  • P&G:今年的MT及Internship Program已開

  • RB:未見今年有Openings

  • Loreal:今年的MT Program及Placement已開

  • Estee Lauder:今年的Grad Program已開

  • Dah Chong Hong:今年的MT Program已開

  • DFS:目前只見Placement及Data Science MT Program有開


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每年FMCG確實都聘請很多Marketing的同學,除了Open Recruitment,還會與不同院校的Marketing Department合作舉行Campus Recruitment。因為FMCG的工作內容很多時都與Marketing息息相關,例如Brand Management,其實就是做Marketing。再加上Marketing同學其實沒有太多行業或企業可以選擇,很多時都會傾向報FMCG,因此Marketing同學就會累積一定的FMCG Intern經驗,報MT時,自然比其他同學更有優勢。

如果你並非修讀Marketing,還可以報FMCG嗎?答案是可以的。不過根據以往經驗,如果同學本身並非修讀Marketing,或修讀Marketing、但缺乏相關工作經驗,最好避免報一些受歡迎的Brand Management Team。其實FMCG還聘請HR、Product Supply Chain、IT、Sales、Finance等不同Functions,同學可以因應個人經驗或Major,選擇報相關的Team,例如你修讀會計,就一定要報Finance啦~

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P&G 8大常問題:


  1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.

  1. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.

  1. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.

  2. Describe a situation where you seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.

  1. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.

  1. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.

  1. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.

  1. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.

心水清的同學會發現,以上8條問題都是CV-Based及Behavioural Questions為主,所以同學準備時,不妨研究一下P&G的Core Values, 例如重視Leadership、Integrity等,而你的經驗及回答就應配合品牌重視的核心價值作調整。

**再為大家提供一個貼士:P&G的網頁會清楚列明Recruitment Flow、Employee Policy、Values等,面試前記得一定要背熟這些資料,當Interviewers問及時,你便可以自然地表現對品牌的熱情及了解~





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